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Event title: Guard Crush League

Date: 2015-01-30 - 2015-05-08

Organization: [FGC] Shatalkir, necrologen

Venue: MK9 Steam

Forum topic: [Online, offline] Guard Crush League - MK9

Event file: at Fighting.ru

Tourneys (2):

Tourney start time: -0001-11-30 03:0 (UTC+0300)

Game: Mortal Kombat 9 1v1

Platform: PS3

Rating: 0

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

Forum accountPSN tagTourney accountRatingsRegistration time
a1-a1-02015-01-25 15:50:01
AlhiMAlhiM02015-01-16 10:38:40
ArzuArzu170286Arzu02015-01-20 13:09:08
Comrade AlekseyComrade Aleksey02015-01-16 05:45:45
DocentDocent02015-01-19 10:25:55
KORSAKKORSAK02015-01-28 07:50:40
KreegKreeg02015-01-15 22:15:35
leonel_721Leonel02015-01-25 13:30:22
mamirofmamirof02015-01-26 11:56:31
NaZaRchikNaZaRchik02015-01-20 16:08:37
NekittNekitt02015-01-29 16:41:55
Niksanniksan02015-01-26 13:16:38
NimNimochkaNim02015-01-19 12:50:37
RoxasRoxas02015-01-26 09:23:25
ВитязьNoble_VityazВитязь02015-01-29 20:51:41

Tourney start time: -0001-11-30 03:0 (UTC+0300)

Game: Mortal Kombat 9 1v1

Platform: PC

Rating: 0

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

Forum accountSteam IDTourney accountRatingsRegistration time
blastbeatblastbeat02015-01-25 09:46:54
byterbyter02015-01-25 12:59:56
CallingST3CallingST302015-01-23 15:29:13
Cavi-Cavi-02015-01-20 10:47:49
CofeinNeiji02015-01-17 00:32:06
dogma_vsdogma_vs02015-01-16 15:51:24
Ivan DragoIvan Drago02015-01-16 19:05:04
I_Am_Axy76561197992829592I_Am_Axy02015-01-26 09:53:03
JustObserverJustObserver02015-01-15 23:30:36
JyyJyy02015-01-22 15:24:11
K0lderK0lder02015-01-16 11:57:32
korey76561198029016018Korey02015-01-28 18:01:52
MaXWel1L76561198051860284MaXWel1L02015-01-23 14:49:15
Nagibator22876561198147963529Nagibator22802015-01-17 21:11:33
NaZaRchikNaZaRchik02015-01-24 19:23:42
Nightmare JTSNightmare JTS02015-01-21 20:53:29
PRESSxramazanx02015-01-21 19:33:50
QuestN7QuestN702015-01-23 18:28:05
Reptile_Mk2Reptile_Mk202015-01-29 18:27:43
SonkjeSonkje02015-01-30 10:18:27
stosnstosn02015-01-29 09:40:49
SwithsSwiths02015-01-27 14:58:36
TERRORBLADE2TERRORBLADE202015-01-29 17:24:51
YatzZzyYatzZzy02015-01-20 15:25:09
ZeratuL76561198096415355ZeratuL02015-01-18 10:27:25
[KG][KG]02015-01-27 22:25:36

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