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Event title: Slaughterhouse Tournament

Date: 2017-06-24

Organization: Leo_Drover

Venue: Бар «90's»

Address: Ярославль, ул. Красный съезд, д. 10

Forum topic: [Ярославль] 24.06.2017 — Tekken 7, Injustice 2, Killer Instinct (Slaughterhouse Tournament)

Event file: at Fighting.ru

Tourneys (3):

Tourney start time: 2017-06-24 13:00 (UTC+0300)

Game: Killer Instinct 2013 1v1

Platform: Xbox One

Rating: 0

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

Tourney start time: 2017-06-24 14:00 (UTC+0300)

Game: Tekken 7 1v1

Platform: PC

Rating: 0

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

Tourney start time: 2017-06-24 15:00 (UTC+0300)

Game: Injustice 2 1v1

Platform: PS4

Rating: 0

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

You cannot register for this tourney for the following reasons: Event is already over

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